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Room 602
Misako Kondo, Mieko Fujimori produce

Theme/Awa Folk Dance, wave


Misako Kondo
I am from Higashimiyoshi, Tokushima City and, in 2011, establish indigo plant studio "one only happiness". For the dyeing method that I have made the leaf indigo plant crow spider in own studio, and lye fermentation is based now
I continue making the discerning work. (please see the road career details according to *.)

Mieko Fujimori
I married into the Fujimoris who ran Awa Japanese paper manufacturing industry (awagamifakutori) and supported the spot for making paper under the relationship. I learned various techniques to dye Japanese paper with an indigo plant while coming to work on indigo dyeing Japanese paper in earnest after child care did a person paragraph, and helping with tsune of the mother-in-law. I acquired the title of the folkcraft person (national qualification) now and became the dyer who took the center made with indigo dyeing Japanese paper. Fujimori dealt with the housing parts such as sliding paper-doors Misako Kondo with decoration and the equipment of the tokonoma. In the room which two "Awa women" produced for the delicate sensitivity only by the woman, please enjoy a stay of peace.

Indigo dyeing work

Awa indigo dyeing work

Awa indigo dyeing work/Misako Kondo 
・Indigo dyeing work (four points of fabric boards) woman dance, wave pattern of the corridor
・ The indigo dyeing work (entering one point/forehead) "stage of the waterside" of the tokonoma 
・A table center (one point) "woman dance" 
・Cushion cover (four points) "Awa Folk Dance" 
・A desk lamp (one point) (indigo plant coat enormous profit wood) 

Indigo dyeing housing part/Mieko Fujimori 
・It is indigo dyeing on sliding paper-door Awa Japanese paper between the next
*The shoji of the main room is suren dyeing of the indigo blue on Awa Japanese paper 

The indigo plant coat housing part entrance outside, tokonoma/enormous profit wood 


Misako Kondo

▼Dyeing career
I start a study of the Awa indigo dyeing during former Miyoshicho office holding the post
Until 1999 through 2003
From indigo dyeing, batik print writer late Akiko Takeuchi (Awa indigo plant lye fermentation-based holder prefecture intangible cultural properties), I receive instruction of the lye fermentation-based folding diaphragm, batik print.
July, 2011
After the Higashimiyoshi-cho office retirement, I hold the first indigo dyeing exhibition (private exhibition) with indigo dyeing studio "one only happiness" establishment establishment in a studio using an empty house
October, 2012
The 67th Tokushima art exhibition, the 27th people school festival Tokushima executive committee's chairperson Prize prize winner "dance girl of Awa"
November, 2012
The 40th crafts exhibition prize for encouragement prize winner "Awa Folk Dance in autumn"
December, 2013
Lye fermentation indigo dyeing writer Prize of the second korezo foundation tradition to be based, and to dye
March, 2014
I relocate the studio to Jorokuchou, Tokushima-shi
From May, 2014 to June
The second indigo dyeing private exhibition held (woodwork hall) theme "remake with an indigo plant with an old kimono"
October, 2014
The 69th Tokushima art exhibition arts and crafts section pure choice winning work product "flexibly" (woman dance)
February, 2015
"An indigo plant is excited" the third private exhibition holding (Shikoku liquor Festival) theme
October, 2015
The 70th Tokushima art exhibition arts and crafts section prize for encouragement prize winner "indigo plant which shakes to sunshine filtering through foliage"
April, 2016
The association of member of association of present crafts artist Shikoku meeting/Tokushima artist (department of arts and crafts) member 55th Japanese modern craftwork exhibition case choice winning work product "driftwood story"
From July 16, 2016 to September 2
"The Japan which jumped to the sea of Seto is blue" a theme by the fourth private exhibition holding Naoshima, Kagawa gallery "NaPAM" (international art festival in summer Seto)
October, 2016
A choice winning work product "exit of the number and others Bridge" with the 71st Tokushima art exhibition arts and crafts section
February, 2017
I authorize it in Awa indigo dyeing shawl (three-ply silk) Tokushima choice brand
April, 2017
Association of person of Tokushima handicrafts support theme hosted by association of the fifth private exhibition held Tokushima-shi local industry promotion "colors seat & Awa Japanese paper of the tree with an indigo plant"
October, 2017
"Be healed a choice winning work product with the 71st Tokushima art exhibition arts and crafts section by a sound of the water"
March, 2018
The 57th Japanese modern craftwork exhibition case choice "spring of the waterside"
◎I devise technique of the picture-like indigo dyeing by the light and shade of seven colors of indigo plants. There are the works such as Awa Folk Dance and Iya-no-Kazurabashi Bridge, the flower of the field
Mieko Fujimori

▼Dyeing career
I play an active part in awagamifakutori (Yamagawacho, Yoshinogawa-shi) as a dyer
◎In a page of "the indigo dyeing Japanese paper" of the awagamifakutori formula HP "awagami and indigo dyeing"
Please see a page of "dyer Mieko Fujimori".
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